To guide and help you to identify and change troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Help someone better understand and cope with thoughts, feelings and behaviors. We can also offer guidance and help improve a person's ability.

help teens acquire the skills they need to become successful adults. Coaches use the Ansell Casey Life Skills Assessment (ACLSA) and curriculum to guide activities and interventions. The program features workbooks, role playing, field trips and individual sessions to address curriculum activities. Content areas include workforce readiness skills, healthy social relationships, educational achievement, financial literacy and household maintenance.

SPARK Therapeutic Mentoring Program is a program designed to serve youth with emotional, behavioral and mental health needs. The Mentoring Model administered by staff is based upon the principles of and curriculum of Skill streaming that has at it’s foundation the teaching of prosocial skills.

The SPARK Educational Mentoring Program includes a flexible array of services initiated by the mentor to improve the client’s academic performance and school attendance/involvement.
The mentor meets with the client, parent/caregiver and visits the educational institution prior to creating an Academic Enhancement Plan.
This plan is individualized according to client and family challenges and directly address all challenges getting in the way of academic success.