Partnering with families for a better tomorrow. SPARK Parent and Family Coaches provide a valuable service to complement professional clinical interventions with parents.

Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT)
BSFT is an evidence-based practice that is cost-effective and reduces youth
behavior problems in the home. Youth ages 6-17 who are displaying oppositional
behavior and conduct problems are eligible for the program. BSFT addresses these
problems by meeting with all family members to change maladaptive family
interactions into positive family functioning.

Family Reunification
The SPARK Pathway to Permanency Program is designed to deliver a comprehensive
parent reunification service. Spark conducts a Family Team Meeting to establish
agreed upon goals among agency and family members. Special attention is given to
teaching bio parents about the court and legal process that leads to reunification so
they have a clear understanding of what they need to do to regain custody of their

Parent Coaching
SPARK Parent and Family Coaches provide a valuable service to complement professional clinical interventions with parents. Coaches serve as role models to
provide instruction and motivation to parents struggling with family challenges. This service takes place in the family home as well as community settings such as schools, stores, parks, church etc. The primary goal of this service is to model and teach clients more effective methods to parent and supervise their children. Positive communication techniques and effective discipline are cornerstones of the program.

Family Coaching and Support
Guided Visitation
Parent Skills Training Group
Family coaching is a skills-based intervention that brings all members of the family together to address challenges facing the family unit. The Family Coach assists family members in identifying challenges and working together to find solutions. The Coach links family members to resources that will help them achieve long-term
success and improve family functioning.
Guided Visitation is a structured and therapeutic intervention during which the counselor is
actively involved in the interaction to provide feedback and model positive communication skills and engagement techniques. The assigned worker coaches, models appropriate parenting skills, and when necessary directs the parent-child interaction. This form of visitation serves as a teaching model and incorporates several elements which can lead to an improvement in parenting skills and successful reunification.
SPARK offers Parent/Family Skills Training classes to families referred by personnel from departments of human services and court service units. The group is called Active Parenting of Teens and it is a nationally recognized curriculum included in SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices. Our approach teaches parents effective methods to communicate effectively with their children, diffuse confrontational situations and effectively set limits. This course is optimally taught in a multi-family setting with between 5 and 10 families participating.